Sunday, March 9, 2008

Time Cannot Be Bought

People sometimes say I will make the time. This is a false statement. You can take time, but you cannot make time. Time is marching on and it can't be made. Tonight on 60 Minutes ( a man is in prison for murder. He never murdered anyone, although he has already served 26 years of his life sentence. Two lawyers have known that another man is guilty. The same man that they represented for killing two police officers at the same time Alton Logan was wrongly convicted. Their client, Andrew Wilson, had told them he was guilty for the crime.

The lawyers felt compelled to not jeopardize their client, even though they felt terrible about Alton Logan. They convinced Wilson to agree to let them tell the truth after his death, so that Alton Logan could go free. They have come forward and the attorney general of Illinois is now considering the case. One tragic side of this story is that Alton Logan is still in prison. As Alton says, the state is quick ot convict, although slow to make things right. This should be corrected as quickly as possible.

It is ironic that we are all in a hurry, although Alton Logan is still waiting. We do not have enough time for Doctor's to examine patients properly, although we can keep innocent men in prison a while longer, waiting to correct a mistake. Ironic and tragic. I will pray that Alton gets out soon, as I am sure you will also. Let me know what you think.

1 comment:

Gene Skirt Divas said...

Hi Dr Gorman,

This comment isn't really related to your story. I just want to let you know that my mom used to be your patient in Calgary. She often commented that you were the most sincere and helpful doctor she ever had. She enjoyed the collaborative approach you took in medicine and patient care. I came across your blog on the OBAD website. Thank you very much for taking care of my mother while practicing in Calgary.
Please keep on doing what you doing. There are many others out there that need your valuable help and knowledge on Bi-polar and other disorders.